Restoration HouseI am now in a YWAM training course receiving specific training to work with children at risk. All of us students are living at the YWAM boys shelter called Restoration House. We are really getting to know the boys and the ministry here at the Restoration House. Above is a photo with me and a boy who lives here at the house. I first met him and worked with him at the Rescue House. He did triage there and then moved here. He is such a sweet boy and the Lord is doing beautiful things in him.
Here are some more photos of some of the boys during a recent birthday party here in the Restoration House!

Children At Risk Course
So currently I am spending each day in class and I also work in the different ministry projects here at this YWAM base. I have weekly assignments, papers, projects, and books to read! I am learning lots! I am so thankful to really learn more about YWAM Belo Horizonte and understand a part of each ministry. I think it is important as a staff here to understand each ministry project.
I have been learning about the many different kinds of children at risk in the world and different projects and methods to help to reach and restore these hurting kids. Sometimes it is lots to process when I am hearing about all these needs. So far we have learned about God´s intentional plan for the family, children´s ministry techniques, disciplining children at risk, working with people and children with HIV/AIDS, and working with sexually abused children.
Recanto House
Below are a few fun photos from my time working at the YWAM home for ex-street girls. The name of the house is Recanto House. The translation of the word Recanto is cozy little nook...
Two girls (below) working on a collage project we did with them during a devotional time.

Two sisters (below) who live at Recanto!
These girls have been living at Recanto for many years.

A girl having some fun with my camera!
There are people all over the world here taking part of the Children At Risk Training and working here with YWAM. Here is a photo of me and two of my friends here in Belo! One friend is an American (Kris) who is doing the Children At Risk Course with me and the other is from Germany (Alex) who has worked with YWAM and is studying here in Brazil.