During the last few weeks I had the priviledge of working with some precious daughters of God, and one newborn baby too! I truly feel that they are jewels of the Lord!

Meet Carlos* Here is the son of the beautiful girl you see in the photo below. He is 3 weeks old and is doing great. Carlos and mom are now living in a YWAM shelter here called Reborn House. There are currently 3 young girls with babies living in this house.

Here is mom! She participated in a 5 day triage here at Rescue House and then moved from here into the Reborn house. It was great to have mom and baby at the Rescue House! I got to help this young mom with caring for baby Carlos- baby baths, crying in the night, diaper changes, and lots of love and fun with this little one.
My times with this young mom were really special to me. I really connected with her and could see the Lord touching her heart through our times of prayer, talking, and reading the word. She has a difficult past and recognizes that coming to live at the Reborn House (shelter for teenage moms) is a really great opportunity for her and her son.
Please pray for her. She is 17 and actually lived in the YWAM house for street girls, for about 2 years. She ran away from the girls house and now has returned to live in the Reborn House with her new son.

This is Ana*. She came to our house consistantly every day for the last two weeks. She also participated in a special day-triage, for street people. Ana successfully completed the triage and this past Thursday we took her to a recouperation house. There she will recieve help and treatment that she desperately needs. She desires so much to turn her life around, to get off the streets, and to be free of her alcohol addiction. Please pray God would meet her and help her as she is in this recouperation house.
My times with this lady were also really special. She loves to sing! I would sit with her and I would play the guitar and we would sing together. She loves this one song in Portuguese and she taught me how to sing it. The song is about the "Dreams of God" and how God wants to restore to us the dreams in our hearts and heal us. This song gave her much strength!
I was truly touched by her heart and at times I would just sit and think- wow I can't imagine what this lady has been through in her life. She is 33 and has lived on the streets for 18 years. Has 5 children, 3 adopted and 2 in shelters. She has been through so much, but her heart was so hungry. Please pray that this time of recouperation would be a powerful time of God freeing her and leading her into an abundant life, wrapped in the LOVE of our Father.
*For the protection of these people, the names have been changed.