Here is one of the street ladies that we work with on a consistant basis. She visits our house every week and we are trying to help her and encourage her to make steps of change. Please pray for her and her daughter. Soon her daughter (pictured here) will be doing a triage with us here in the Rescue House. She is going to live in another YWAM ministry shelter here in Belo Horizonte.

I am learning how to cook Brazilian style! After lunch we get back to work doing various things. We may go on visits to the streets or fevelas or work within the house!
Here are a few photos of our work!
Here is one of the girls that just did a triage with us. She spent two weeks living at the Rescue House and just moved to the YWAM shelter for girls this past Sunday. Her mother died when she was 3 years old and she does not have contact with her father. She was living in a fevela with other family members and then spent some time on the streets, but thankfully she is now in the YWAM home for girls! My times of working with this girl were really special. We shared times of prayer, Bible Study, going out and having fun, and working around the house together. God is working in amazing ways in her life and I am excited to see how she continues to grow.
We visit families frequently throughout the week!
We visit and talk with different groups of street kids every week.

At night, after a long days work, we often rest, spend time together, go out into the city to visit friends or run errands, and some nights we have other YWAM meetings as well!
This night we were enjoying yummy Brazilian breads and cakes!