This week we celebrated Easter with our groups of girls!
We did many fun activities with the girls and it was beautiful to see God working in their hearts.
Here is one of the girls sharing the salvation story through a book we made called, "A Book Without Words." Each page is a different color and represents a different part of the gospel message.
We taught the girls about Jesus washing the disciples' feet and let them experience what the disciples experienced during Passover...
We also taught the girls about the Last Supper and we took Communion.
The bread represents the broken body of Jesus Christ and the wine (or grape juice) represents the blood of Christ poured out for us...
Sharing a lesson about the amazing and GREAT LOVE of GOD!

Each girl was to look into the mirror and proclaim,
Each girl was to look into the mirror and proclaim,
" God loves __(their name)____."

This week we talked a lot about the LOVE of GOD! During this activity each girl placed her photo inside this heart that represents the heart of GOD. We will keep this bulletin board up as a reminder of the EVERLASTING LOVE of GOD!

The service with the ladies from the slum! These ladies were encouraged by the worship, the word that was shared, and yummy snacks!

This activity was so interesting to observe the reactions of these girls. It was difficult for some of the girls to look into the mirror at themselves and speak the truth that GOD loves them. Some of these girls never hear the words, "I love you..." from their parents so it is powerful for them to hear and learn that they are greatly loved.
GOD LOVES this precious one!
This week we talked a lot about the LOVE of GOD! During this activity each girl placed her photo inside this heart that represents the heart of GOD. We will keep this bulletin board up as a reminder of the EVERLASTING LOVE of GOD!
The afternoon girls group!!! They are greatly LOVED!!!
Kelly showing the girls a really cool Lego cartoon about Jesus, His death, and ressurection.
This is an Easter activity we did with the girls and the phrase written at the top of the page says, "Jesus is our Passover!"
We talked with the girls about Jesus being the passover Lamb
We talked with the girls about Jesus being the passover Lamb
and that HE is the reason for this Easter season!
Happy Easter to you and Your family! Feliz Pascoa!
Thank you for your prayers!