During the month of April many memories were made.
I experienced beautiful moments with the children I work with celebrating the Easter season and enjoyed the beauty of Brazil.
Some beautiful photos, taken at sunset, of a hillside which is just one side of the huge slum of Cafezal. These are the types of homes the children and families we work with live in...
Felipe and I enjoying one of the many beautiful sunsets. The city of Belo Horizonte is known for AMAZING sunsets. The literal translation of Belo Horizonte is "Beautiful Horizon." We enjoy the beautiful painted sky almost every day!
A rose in the Light House flower bed. I was so enchanted by this rose and consequently found myself taking many photos of it. It is one of the most beautiful roses I have ever seen, and it slowly began to bloom revealing it's beauty more and more each day. Felipe really wanted to pick the rose for me, but I would not let him. It was a gift to all of us to see!
The beauty and love of GOD revealed to us through NATURE.
Here are the KIDS that Beckie (my co-leader and friend from England) and I work with!
They are doing a good job of remembering to raise their hands! They participated well during a Bible Study about Jesus!
The kids coloring a picture showing Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey and the people waving branches and shouting, "HOSANNA!" We did a great lesson on this Bible Story and even acted it out as a group. The kids LOVED waving branches and shouting, "HOSANNA, GLORY TO GOD!"
We made donkey puppets to remember that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey!
Jesus is the REASON!
We taught the children about Passover, how Jesus washed the disciples feet and also had Communion with the disciples. For each lesson we first told the story and then we acted out the story with the children.
Washing our little disciples' feet...
Taking Communion together...
The kids writing in their SONG BOOKS!
This year to encourage the children to read and write we are posting many many songs in our classroom. The children are making song books and writing the songs in their notebooks. At the end of the year they will have a book full of songs for them selves to take home and sing! These kids are copying the song, "Celebrate Jesus! Celebrate!" It is a song that speaks of how Jesus has RISEN!
We did an really neat activity with cut up flowers. The children received the folded up flower. They place it in a cup of water and then the flower slowly opens revealing a message. The flowers said, "He is RISEN!" We did this activity after teaching about the ressurection of Jesus Christ!
Showing off his bracelet that we made in class!
Each color represents a different point and all the colors together tell the gospel of Jesus, his life and death and how we are forgiven, his promise of new life, and growing in grace in HIM. We are teaching the kids about having a relationship with the Lord.
Playing soccer in the big court area!
Playing JUMP the CREEK in the grassy lawn area of the house! The kids loved this game.
Celebrating a birthday in the Light House PARK with my group of boys and girls!
Hear us singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY in Portuguese!
Felipe and I enjoying a typical Brazilian treat!
It is a purple-colored fruit that is super delicious and made into frozen cream. This is one of my favorite things to eat in Brazil! Acai is super yummy mixed with bananas and granola too!
My friend Rosangela found this interesting looking insect in her classroom.
Don't let this photo fool you. The bug is the size of a small key chain, but it is still pretty big and unique! Brazil has very interesting plant and wildlife. The butterflies here are sometimes as big as a regular sized bird. I will have to post a photo of one of those butterflies...