Friday, May 25, 2007

Visits to the Fevelas in Belo Horizonte

Throughout the week our team often goes to different fevelas here in Belo Horizonte to visit families who have children on the streets. We pray with these families and talk with them about their children. When we are visiting the streets we also try to look out for the children of these families. Here are some photos from our times in the fevelas.

Children playing soccer in the fevela!

Here are some of the beautiful girls that live in the fevela! They have captured my heart and I know these girls have captured the heart of our Father. Pray for these girls! The protection and love of the Lord over their lives. Pray that they would not turn to a life in the streets.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Laura for the updates and photos. Daria and I are following your progress and we keep you in our prayers.


Anonymous said...

You always love playing with the kids. This is a good picture.
I wish I were there with you. My heart cries when I read your stories.
oh how I miss Brazil.
I am so glad you were able to go back.