Thursday, November 22, 2007

A TEST on Thanksgiving day??? YES!!!

I woke up to the sound of an alarm going off...
I am currently sleeping in a BIG room of eight girls and one of the girls in my room had set her alarm for 5:00 am! But, unfortunately I had not realized the time yet... I rose from my bed thinking, ¨OK- 6:00am... Time for a new day!¨

I started getting ready for the day... once I realized it was super early I decided to just stay awake.. I was already up!

Today was actually my last day of class in my Children At Risk Course AND we had a test!
A TEST on Thanksgiving day??? YES!!!

SO, early this morning I enjoyed my coffee and breakfast while reviewing my test notes.
BY 8:30 am I was starting my test and then at 9:30 our last class for the course started.

Today in class Johan ( the base leader) talked about helpful points to stay mentally healthy while working in missions. It was a good teaching about caring for yourself as a missionary! A very helpful teaching I know will be useful in the future!

At 1:00 I was eating the normal Brazilian lunch! BEANS and RICE! Today along with the beans and rice we had some roasted beef, fried eggplant, and tomatoes! Very exciting- I know!

By 2:00 I along with the other students in the course started a special time of cleaning on the YWAM base. I spent about 2 hours today scrubbing a wall that looked like it hadnt been cleaned in ages! The wall turned SO white-it transformed!

Tonight I will be having a Thanksgiving party with all my friends in the course!

So today I will be celebrating my Thanksgiving with people from all over the world!
People from these nations will be present at my Thanksgiving celebration: Korea, Norway, Germany, Brazil, USA, New Zealand, Holland, and England!

I want to say a BIG thank you to all of you who have supported me through prayer, encouragement, and finances this year!

Lots of Love and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Laura!
I love you! Happy Thanksgiving!

Jessica said...

Hey Lady!
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with all of friends. I can't wait until you come to visit!
I love you.

Chris Garrett said...

Hi Laura,

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us! The girls think about you a lot!


Unknown said...

laura voce pode mandar seu email pra mim? sou eu samuel!!
eu preciso falar com voce por que meu amigo dE USA mandou uma oferta pra mim queria saber se voce pode mandar seu email me dizendo quando voce volta ao brasail, e se voce pode mandar pra minha conta de banco?
