My new home! This is the Light House Community Center (in Portuguese known as Luziero) which is located in a slum called Cafezal. The goal of the center is to impact the community around us with the love of Jesus Christ through offering programs to children and families. This year I will be working with groups of children here at the center! I am excited that I will be working with groups of younger children again.
This is a photo taken from one side. There are actually many different levels with many different parts to the house. Keep scrolling down and you will see more of the house!

Light House is located on a BIG hill that overlooks the city of Belo Horizonte.
I have a great view of the city!

I like this shot, showing homes on the hill in Cafezal. Check out the dog sitting on the roof of a nearby home.

This is my bedroom! I am on the top bunk!
I share my room with two Brazilian girls who are working as staff for the YWAM Discipleship Training School (DTS) here in Belo Horizonte. The Light House offers DTS, a type of missionary training school, twice a year. Currently there are people here receiving training from England, Brazil, and Holland.

The view from my bedroom window!

One of the classrooms where we do educational activities with the kids!

The soccer court/hockey court/basketball court area where the
Light House staff leads physical activities with the kids! AND the YWAM Hockey team practices and plays hockey (with rollarblades)!

The pool area! I will be swimming lots with the groups of children I will be working with. The kids LOVE the pool! It is a BIG treat to come and swim here.

This is Lady! She is the guard dog here at the
Light House. I am so happy to have an animal at our house. I want to give her lots of love too!
Beautiful flowers blooming here at the Light House.
They remind me of the quote, "Bloom where you're planted."
God has planted me here at the Light House and my prayer is that I will grow, bloom, and bring joy to God's heart (just as flowers do...) as I serve the children and families here in Cafezal.
I am excited about the year ahead and thankful to be here!
Awww..I love seeing the house pics!! I want them to put a rail on that bunk bed though. It would be easy to nail one up there. I wish I could do that for you!! :) We miss you and love you and are praying for you!! Keep us posted on all God is doing!
I am glad that you are "home"! Can't wait to see what God is going to do through you. You are an awesome servant for the KINGDOM!!!!
I pray for peace and REST in HIM!
Blessings and LOVE,
Hi, My name is Warren. My family and I just came back from volunteering at Casa Renovo in Itauna. We spent a whole month serving and were blessed beyond measure!! Thank you for keeping your blog, we miss it there and hope that the Lord will send us back. We spent a few days in Belo at Restoration house and I think I know Marcos, your description of him matches anyway. Our Children 11 and 9 gained a whole new view of life and I thank the Lord for that. You are very courageous for stepping out in your faith. We are praying for Brazil constantly now, that more servants will arrive to help launch the Brazilian people into a dynamic revival. So pleased be encouraged and we will put you on our prayer list.
God Bless you
you are such an inspiration. You truly are! I look at all these pictures and just see all the wondeful things that the Lord is doing in you and through you and it makes my heart glad. You have such a beautiful tender heart for the Lord and for the people there. I pray that the Lord will touch and bless this ministry you have here greatly!
Love you! Hopefully we will be able to see you next time you are here. Be blessed! :)
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